Friday, July 6, 2012

#264: Movies on the Gridiron - The Dark Side of Oz

Today is a First Friday, which means Downtown South Bend (and Goshen, but more on that next month) is all that DTSB normally is but more.  Its stores and art galleries are open later (until 9 PM), and free food and wine is available at many of them.  There are street performers and music playing, odd sights of carriages and clowns and zombies and BMX bikers.  There is always something unusual to see or do.
I'd say the highlight of this month's FF is an outdoor movie screening on the College Football Hall of Fame.  Tonight, there will be a free screening of The Wizard of Oz around 9:30 PM in this 'living on the edge...of E.S.T.' town.  This movie is obviously family-friendly, but if you want to add a twist to a film that you might have watched innumerable times, try it Pink Floyd style.  

Grab a lawn chair and your ipod/walkman and start playing The Dark Side of the Moon album as soon on the third roar of the MGM lion, and you will be amazed at how the visuals of the movie seem to match the music.  If you don't believe me (which I wouldn't blame you for), check out this article about  The Dark Side of Oz/Dark Side of the Rainbow or start watching:

Restaurant Week is still continuing, so I recommend fueling up on a good meal or one of the cocktail specials beforehand.  ArtPost is having an event that celebrates street art of all forms that looks AWESOME, so check that out too.  Finally, Marigold's is celebrating its two-year anniversary, so Happy Anniversary to them!  For details on all events happening, check out

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