Monday, November 15, 2010

#60: In memoriam: Bryan's Piano Barr

I wish none of the 365 things to do in South Bend would never involve this, but just like pets can't live forever, just like the teacher you had a crush on in high school will eventually get grey hair, there are some things you can't prevent in life.  Change is inevitable, right?  (Still, I'd like to see more diverse base of support for local places...).

So, Bryan's Piano Barr shut its doors today after a decade of serving cold beers and a slap-in-the-face to those used to the ND college bar scene.  I was happy to see the place was packed, but the mood was bittersweet.  Gospel hour had its last hour.  And who will drop the disco ball when I stand up for being proud to be an American?  Bryan urged the crowd to support him at his first extra-Barr show at Kelly's Pub on Thursday night.

Should you expect a post?  Perhaps.  It is right across from the Farmer's Market...

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